Archive (pictures)
Pages ordered by date published (descending). See also gallery (examples).
Picture pages
- Industrial Bolton (1)
- Industrial Bolton (2)
- Ceci est mon corps
- The angels sing
- Wuthering Heights
- La Phoebe
- Chevaux Hakendover
- Le Grand Maulnes
- Chats (cats from Baudelaire, 1)
- Chats (cats from Baudelaire, 2)
- Albert et Isabelle (from Vingt Belges)
- Nelson
- Bolton street, 1950s
- Isaac with Abraham and messenger from God
- Le Soldat de Plomb (The Tin Soldier)
- King Arthur and the questing beast
- Bolton fairgound, 1950s
- Ceux qui Restent Seules
- Lancelot and the dragon
- The lion and the serpent
- Nastasya Filipovna
- Soldier on horseback
- Night
- Football match (Burnden Park, Bolton, 1950s)
- Soldat Johan (1)
- Bonfire Night (Bolton, early 1950s)
- La peche miraculeuse
- Industrial Bolton (4)
- Industrial Bolton (3)
- Industrial Bolton (5)
- Group of men (beggars)
- Nordic warriors
- Face (person unknown)
- Cheval Bayard
- Industrial Bolton (6)
- Gawain and the knight
- Arthur and Tristram
- Balin and Balan
- La Guerre (cover)
- V1
- Ardennes Noël 44
- Animaux
- Toy shop (Brussels, 1944)
- Calendrier des Pauvres d’Esprit ou du Bon Royaume
- Soldat Johan (2)
- Miners and beggars
- Dog on steps (industrial Bolton)
- The Ancient Mariner
- L’Idiot (The Idiot)
- Gulliver’s Travels
- What a beautiful world
- Descente de croix
- Musician
- La Guerre (inside cover)
- De Wandelende Jood
- Christ on the cross
- Floere het Fluwijn
- De Jean Coste
- Ahasverus on the way to Hell
- Christmas shopping
- Back street (Bolton, early 1950s)
- Mice in cage
- L’ours et les abeilles
- Le chien et la vache
- Le rat des villes et le rat des champs
- Heureux les humbles
- The mad hatter’s tea party
- Dog (in Bolton back street)
- Houses and children (1950s Bolton)
- La Petite Sirène
- L’Intrépide Soldat de Plomb
- Les Cygnes Sauvages
- L’Ange
- La Grosse Aiguille
- Girl with flowers
- La Petite Fille et les Alumettes
- La Petite Fille sur le Pain
- Le Coffre Volant
- Le Soldat de Plomb (untitled)
- Don Quixote
- Les Centaures
- 2nd engraving