Selected engravings and etchings
By Françoise Taylor
See also: woodcuts | drawings | industrial Bolton | other pictures
Pointes Sèches Sur La Guerre
Illustrations: literature and legend
- La Phoebe
- Soldat Johan (1)
- Men on horseback
- Heureux les humbles
- Group of men (subject unknown)
- Cheval Bayard
- Soldat Johan (2)
- Floere het Fluwijn
- Les Centaures
- Elpenor
Religious pictures
Bolton, Lancashire, engravings and etchings from the 1950s
- Bolton street
- Bolton fairgound
- Bonfire Night, Bolton
- Football match at Burnden Park
- Dog on steps
- Christmas shopping
- Back street
- Dog (in Bolton back street)
- Houses and children
- Kick-off at Burnden Park
Le Morte d'Arthur
From a series of 28 illustrations for Sir Thomas Malory's 'Le Morte 'd'Arthur'.
- Lancelot and the dragon
- The lion and the serpent
- Gawain and the knight
- Arthur and Tristram
- Balin and Balan
Miscellaneous pictures (not from literature).