Françoise Taylor

List of works page 1

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Note 1: where a picture is described as engraving it may actually be an etching, with or without aquatint, or it may be an engraving as described (drypoint or burin). This will be corrected in due course but they are all original artists prints made at the time from a drawing using a suitable implement on some kind of plate – not with a pen or pencil. None of the original plates still exist so no more prints will ever be made.

Note 2: where several engravings or woodcuts are listed (eg: 10 engravings), unless they are referred to as different they are all the same – identical prints off the same plate or block.

Note 3: in various places the list includes the works which Françoise created in England in the late 1940s then submitted to Brussels for which she was awarded a Distinction and Mastery in book illustration: 'Le Morte d'Arthur' (Sir Thomas Malory), 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' (Coleridge), a Baudelaire poem about Cats, Dostoievski's 'The Idiot' and 'The Basement Room', and Æsop's Fables.

Note 4: where reference is made to 'typography' it means the text described was probably typeset by Françoise as part of the work.

Works owned by the Estate of Kenneth Taylor

Continued on next page

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Filedate: January 24th, 2025